
Glass Half Empty – Like my life

Glass Half Empty - Like my life

I look at this glass and think of my life. My life is so much like this half full glass. I still need to see so much, feel so much and have so much still in me with what I have seen and lived. And this light from the reflection of sun is like the hope in my heart to live more and more every day 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend my dear friends! I am feeling so happy and peaceful right now and I am sending this good feeling to you from here 🙂

15 comments on “Glass Half Empty – Like my life

  1. I feel this with you. Optimism is more an approach to the facts than a reflection of them. They often challenge us I know, but you come across as someone who deserves those breaks which make life precious

    • that is so true dear friend as thinks happen for a reason I believe and all the things that happen on our way are the building blocks in life…thanks for writing here 🙂 Have a wonderful day 🙂

  2. Glass Half Empty – Like your life – it means we have room to learn, experice and discover new things in our life

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